Blacklisters (Fri)
Leeds, UK | Best Enemies, British Wildlife Records
Myspace | Hi-res Photos
Live Reviews:
'Add to that, a burst of murder from Blacklisters and Bad For Lazarus would have had to have pulled something seriously stinking out of the hat to bring down the mood of these Monday night free-gig shenanigans. Blacklisters, for the record, seem to be growing more and more monstrous by the gig. Only catching them every few months is kind of like realising your little baby nephew grew horns and developed three times your IQ score since the last time you saw him.' - Hayley Avron
Whisperin' & Hollerin'
"The sound has the blank seriousness of Steve Albini, with the adrenalised, meticulous thrills of Jesus Lizard..."
Subba Culture - Single of the Month "Leeds has produced some of the noisiest, most heinous and exciting bands in the alt. Rock underground, and Blacklisters are no exception – taking the sludgey guitar of Melvins and fusing it with a vocal delivery Daid Yow would be proud of, mightily impressive indeed!"
Manchester Music Scene "Blacklisters continue the Leeds trend of expelling various degrees of noise through gritted teeth, along to nonsensical rhythms. It should never work, but like many of their counterparts, this band make it hellishly interesting, churning the whole thing into a twisted version of the Birthday Party and Melvins…peers include Pulled Apart By Horses and Castrovalva…loud"
Mudkiss Fanzine "Sticking with Leeds momentarily, the debut single from Blacklisters is worthy of mention to fans of Shellac, The Jesus Lizard and Melvins. Swords (Best Enemies Records) is a suitably belligerent stab at immortality, backed by the equally venomous OK47, slabbed-up on a 7” 45 that asks no questions, makes no promises, and takes no prisoners. Noted for their feral and often confrontational live performances, Blacklisters continue the corrosion of non-conformity originated back in the eye of the post-hardcore storm."
Die Shellsuit Die "Blacklisters have had comparisons with The Jesus Lizard and Melvins. They’re not there yet, but there’s definitely enough here for them to be ATP crowd pleasers in the meantime."
God Is In The TV "Blacklisters bridge that gap between being wild and creative and approachable, creating smart, edgy indie-rock. An impressive debut release foreshadowing a full album at the year's end."