Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Run, Walk!

Run, Walk! (Sun)
Winchester | Holy Roar Records

Run, Walk! have been bubbling away on the under-underground for a year or two now, steadily building a name for themselves and gaining friends in all the wrong places. Still only both 18, Matt and Tom already pretty much hate me for calling them small, 'hobbit-rockers' and various other height and age themed jokez. So i'm not allowed to say that or anything like it on the press release for the mini-album cd they will release with us in February 2010! In their defence bassist/vocalist Matt Pickering-Copley (or Cat Mickering Popley or Pat Kickering Mopley) smokes loads and has a voice both onstage and in conversation that makes him sound 45 at least, with problems. Wicked.

Anyway - Run, Walk! are just two dudes, one on drums (conventional) and one on bass/vocals/effects (therefore, overall, less conventional). They are LOUD. The obvious (dull dull dull, no effort) reference point would be something like Lightning Bolt meets Fugazi or Death From Above 1979 playing Maccabees songs. In other words indie punk songs played on a fucking brutal bass guitar, without losing definition, structure, or hooks. Totally sounds like a Holy Roar band to me.

We hope you will love them - they record their cd at the ever-amazing Serafina Studios in November, tour a bit in December, and the cd comes out in February and we make a right song and dance.

-Holy Roar Records