Sunday, 13 December 2009

Seth Cooke

Seth Cooke

Seth Cooke is a Leeds-based musician who improvises, performs and records using a variety of electronics and percussives.  His improvised live shows are a trade off between meticulous control and squalling, sinewy chaos as he attempts to impose order on his unpredictable circuit bent electronics.  Eschewing the fuzz pedals, delays and looping devices used by most contemporary Noise musicians, Seth prefers to work with harmonics, silence, tone and dynamics.

In addition to his solo work Seth plays drums for Hunting Lodge and Defibrillators; has contributed to live performances with Ashtray Navigations, the A Band, Team Brick, Kayo Dot and Afrirampo; and has performed pieces by James Weeks, Ignacio Agrimbau and Michael Finnissy.